Cheese museum

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A new museum in the center of Kostroma with an interactive exhibition on the history of cheese making.

Contact details

Address: Kostroma, Chaykovskogo Str., 19

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Cheese museum
A new museum in the center of Kostroma with an interactive exhibition on the history of cheese making.

Welcome to visit

  • 2C1001
Kostroma city Administration

Welcome to visit

  • 2C1001
Museum of the Modern Jewelry Art
Almaz-Holding represents the tourist project "Jewelery traditions of the highest standard". A collection of a unique jewelry museum, a jewelry master class, making a souvenir by oneself, a cozy hotel, horseback riding, excursions.

Welcome to visit

  • 2C1001

Welcome to visit

  • 2C1001
Volgorechensk hotel

Welcome to visit

  • 2C1001