Formap center for cluster development

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The Cluster development center of the Murmansk region NMK "FORMAP" (hereinafter CDC) was founded 15.09.2014. The main tasks of CDC in the development of regional clusters are:

- development and implementation of investment programs and projects of development of regional clusters, development of feasibility studies of projects and programmes;
- monitoring of innovative, scientific, industrial, financial and economic potential of regional clusters and updating programs of territorial clusters in the Murmansk region;
- creation (organizational design) chains of interaction to interests of participants territorial clusters in the Murmansk region;
- elaborate and realization of cluster participants of territorial clusters, educational institutions and science and other stakeholders for joint projects;
- providing consulting services in the interests of the participants territorial clusters in the Murmansk region;
- assistance to participants territorial clusters, when receiving the state support;
- promotion new products (services) of participants territorial clusters in the Murmansk region into different markets;
- participation of subjects of small and medium business-participants territorial clusters in main industry events at major Russian and international exhibitions;
- organizations webinars, round tables, conferences, seminars in the interests sphere of participants territorial clusters in the Murmansk region.

On the basis of the Center in support of joint cluster projects provides subsequent the main services:

- providing consulting services according to specialisation of individual participants territorial clusters;
- providing services to participants territorial clusters in the part of legal support;
- information campaigns in mass media for the participants territorial clusters, as well as coverage activities of regional clusters and their promising development;
- providing marketing services to participants territorial clusters (marketing research aimed at the analysis of the different markets, based on the needs of the participants territorial clusters development and promotion umbrella brands regional clusters);
- services for positioning and promotion of new products (services) enterprises of the territorial clusters;
- organizing and conducting trainings, workshops with involvement other organizations for training employees of small and medium business.

Contact details

Fax: +7 (8152) 41-07-95

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Participate together with:

Belomorye hotel
Classic hospitality in the heart of the city!
Belomorye hotel offers a range of services for providing accommodation, including related services: - meals ( Breakfast, lunch, dinner) - access to the WI -FI is free throughout the hotel; - tservices such as hairdressing; - free Parking is available; call a taxi through the reception; - Pets are welcome upon agreement with hotel administration; - Luggage storage; round - the-clock reception.

Welcome to visit

  • 2C2504

Welcome to visit

  • 2C2504
Kirov souvenir
Production and sale of souvenirs with the symbols of the region, organization of information tours, a full range of printing services.

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  • 2C2504
Komyagin Vladimir Prokopievich, SP

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  • 2C2504
Konochkin Mikhail Ivanovich, IE

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  • 2C2504
Organization of one-day, adventure excursions on quadrocycles in Liinakhamari, Pechenga district, Murmansk region.

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  • 2C2504

Welcome to visit

  • 2C2504
Prokhladny Sever
Active tours through the Kola Peninsula.

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  • 2C2504
Rainbow Of The North
Organization of excursions along the Kola peninsula for children and adults; Corporate tours for organizations; Organization of outdoor activities; Tourist guide services in the Murmansk region; Reception of individual tourists and tourist groups, including foreign ones, on the Kola Peninsula; Social programs in the Murmansk region; Transport services.

Welcome to visit

  • 2C2504

Welcome to visit

  • 2C2504
130 kilometers of an unforgettable experience!
The trip to Teriberka is a northern fairy tale, where old ships dream about the past, the waterfall brings stormy waters to the ocean, the beach of the "dinosaur eggs" amazes with its scope, and the mystical stones-Seyds silently store the thousand-year-old secrets. Here everything is different. Other smells, other sounds. Even the sky and the sun are different! This is the end of the earth. Further only the Arctic.

Welcome to visit

  • 2C2504
The capital of the Northern lights - Murmansk. Welcome!
Tour operator in Murmansk Region

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  • 2C2504