Management of Culture, Youth Policy, Tourism and Sports of Baikonur town Administration

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Management of Culture. Youth Policy, Tourism and Sports of Baikonur town administration is a management body including tourism.
The main tast of the management is to develop tourism service in Baikonur Complex, to help travel agencies in their work and to with and agents in order to develop

Contact details

Address: City Baikonur street Gagarina,13
Fax: +7 (33622) 56-222

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The exposition of the museum comprises four halls: the hall of Baikonur military and labour glory; the hall of the history of space-rocket equipment development; the ethnographical hall; the exhibition hall. The services: sightseeing or thematic museum tour; Baikonur town tour support; Baikonur cosmodrome tour support; Korkyt memorial complex tour support. The museum offers souvenirs: T-shirts, DVD-disks, pins, pens, magnets, key rings and others.

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  • 2C2102